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Feature film submissions are now open for the 30th Galway Film Fleadh, taking place between 10th and 15th July, 2018.

The festival is Ireland’s leading film event, known internationally as the discovery place of New Irish Cinema, and home to the Galway Film Fair, Ireland’s only film marketplace.

The Galway Film Fleadh awards feature films selected for competition in the following categories:

  • Best Irish Debut Film
  • Best International Debut Film
  • Best Irish Film
  • Best International Film
  • Best Irish Documentary
  • Best International Documentary
  • Best Cinematography in an Irish Film

Winners in recent years include Michael Inside, Sanctuary, A Date for Mad Mary, Young Offenders, Older than Ireland and Song of the Sea, among others.

The Regular deadline for submissions is Friday, March 30th, 2018 and the fee is €40.

Further information and the link to submit via Eventival can be found at
