In 2014, Galway was recognised at an international level for its unique creative spirit, and for its past and ongoing contribution to film when it was designated as a UNESCO City and Region of Film (Ceantar Scannán). The tradition of film in Galway goes back as far the first screening at Mr. Mack’s Assembly Room on Eyre Square in 1898, and the first film was reportedly shot here in 1905 by Burton Holmes.
This timeline includes notable films, venues, organisations, companies, and designations related to film that are or were based in the city or county and have contributed to Galway as a region of film.
Please note: This timeline is a work in progress, and we will be updating it as we gather more information. If you have suggested insights or edits to make to this archive, please email and we will endeavour to make those changes in a timely manner.
Many thanks to all who have assisted in our research so far, particularly local historians William Henry and Tom Kenny.