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Ardán and Galway City of Film are delighted to support Misleór with the launch of the Misléor Short Documentary Grant for 2023! This annual funding and mentorship scheme is open to emerging filmmakers from the Traveller community.

The information day will be held on Thursday, 22nd June 2023, at the Galway Traveller Movement offices.

Applicants must be aged 18+ and be based in Galway (city or county) OR telling a story connected to Galway (city or county). Find out more about how the bursary and mentoring works and apply here by June 29th at 5pm:

The Misleór Short Doc Grant Scheme is supported by Misléor, Galway Traveller Movement, Ardán, Galway City of Film, the Department of Tourism, Arts & Culture, Galway City Council, Galway and County Council.

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About Galway City of Film

c/o Ardán,
Wellpark Road,
Galway, Ireland H91 8K85

T: +353(0)91770748