Applications for the 2024 Little Cinema & Galway City of Film 48 Hour Challenge are open from Monday, 29th July from 10am and close on Wednesday 14th August 5pm! Read More
Applications for the 2024 Little Cinema & Galway City of Film 48 Hour Challenge are open from Monday, 29th July from 10am and close on Wednesday 14th August 5pm! Read More
The second annual Galway City of Film Culture Night Screening will be held at Eyre Square on Friday, September 22nd, from 8 pm to 10 pm We are excited to screen short films and short documentaries that were created as part of our City of Film training and funding programs over the past couple of years after last year’s open-air screening was enthusiastically appreciated by the audience and passersby.
This free open-air screening at the top of the Square is being organized by Ardán with the support of Galway City Council as part of annual celebrations for Culture Night. The program will feature shorts produced as part of the Little Cinema 48 Hour Challenge, the Misleór Short Documentary Grant, and the Short Documentary Bursary. This event is accessible to those in wheelchairs and is family-friendly.
Find out more on the Ardán website Galway City of Film Culture Night Screening 2023 at Eyre Square | Ardán Ireland (ardan.ie)
Cinephile Paradiso will hit a great milestone this September as it marks its first birthday. The classic cinema discussion group, founded by Mikey Whelan and Holly Buckley, has thrived and formed a welcoming and passionate community of cinema lovers over the past year.
Cinephile Paradiso began its journey last September with the aim to gather the Galway film community together (no better place than the UNESCO City of Film) and encourage the discussion of cinema. Kicking off with Alfred Hitchcock’s reknowned thriller, Rear Window, Cinephile Paradiso continued showcasing classics such as What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, Sunset Boulevard, Dr Strangelove, Bonnie and Clyde and much more.
They didn’t stop there; Cinephile Paradiso also collaborated with the Silent Cinema on Dominic Street numerous times over the year bringing events like ‘The Haunted Nickelodeon’, a night of the first ever horror films on screen, and ‘The Look of the Irish,’ in collaboration with Galway City Council, which explored Ireland’s earliest cinematic representations.
Now, as they celebrate their first anniversary, Cinephile Paradiso invites you to join them on September 7th at Pálás Cinema for a special screening of Hitchcock’s spine-chilling horror, The Birds, a tribute to the group’s first screening and the film’s 60th anniversary. The screening will be followed by a
discussion in the bar (as usual). Also, the award-winning Connemara Brewing Company will be hosting a beer tasting for all ticket holders to mark this special occasion.
The celebration doesn’t stop here. Cinephile Paradiso will continue with their regular programme at Pálás Cinema on the first Thursday of every month. On October 5th, they will be screening House of Usher – the 1960 adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s beloved story starring Vincent Price.
For more information visit cinephileparadiso.com to keep up to date with all upcoming news and events.
Tickets available here: https://www.palas.ie/film/cinephile-paradiso-the-birds
Instagram: @cinephileparadiso_
Twitter: @cinephilepara
Facebook: Cinephile Paradiso
Applications for the 2023 The Little Cinema, & Galway City of Film 48 Hour Challenge, supported by Ardán are opening on Monday, 3rd July from 10am, and will close on Friday, 21st July at 5 pm!
This year’s Challenge will happen over the August Bank Holiday Weekend, 3rd-6th, 2023!
Up to 10 teams of 4-10 people will take part in the 7th annual challenge, where they will create a 5-minute film in just 48 Hours. (Films made as Gaeilge are very welcome.)
The Best Film which will win €500, a TG4 sponsored hoodie for each team member and a place for the film at the Galway Film Fleadh 2024, and there’ll be several other awards up for grabs on the night.
Networking Event
The Little Cinema will host a Networking Event on Tuesday 4th July at 7pm in the Portershed a Dó, for those who’d like to join a team or find members for their team.
This is an initiative of the Galway City of Film and is funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. Get more information at littlecinemagalway@gmail.com
Ardán and Galway City of Film are delighted to support Misleór with the launch of the Misléor Short Documentary Grant for 2023! This annual funding and mentorship scheme is open to emerging filmmakers from the Traveller community.
The information day will be held on Thursday, 22nd June 2023, at the Galway Traveller Movement offices.
Applicants must be aged 18+ and be based in Galway (city or county) OR telling a story connected to Galway (city or county). Find out more about how the bursary and mentoring works and apply here by June 29th at 5pm: https://www.misleor.ie/short-doc-grant
The Misleór Short Doc Grant Scheme is supported by Misléor, Galway Traveller Movement, Ardán, Galway City of Film, the Department of Tourism, Arts & Culture, Galway City Council, Galway and County Council.
Galway City of Film in partnership with Galway Film Centre is delighted to present a special screening of the One Minute Film Festival for Culture Night 2020!
Each year as part of the Galway Film Fleadh we put together a programme of films one minute in length that show the ingenuity and creativity of filmmakers from all over the world. And this year for Culture Night 2020, we will be making this programme available to watch at this link! Enjoy!
Our annual One Minute Film Festival took place throughout the week of the Galway Film Fleadh this year available to stream for free. Here people came to watch a programme of 20 1-minute films that span a wide variety of styles, genres, and origins, with films coming from all over the world.
As part of the festival each year we run a competition for the top 3 films and we are delighted to announce the winning films which are:
1st – Dear Diary – Mallika Juneja
2nd – Landscape – Johanna O’Brien
3rd – Mothers – Gloria Kurnik
Congratulations to the winning filmmakers, we hope to see you submit again in the future!
A special industry event held last night in Galway celebrated 2 key anniversaries in Film in the city. In 2014 Galway became the fifth city in the world to achieve the status of UNESCO City of Film, in recognition of the rich history and vibrant culture of filmmaking that continues in the city and county to this day. Galway City of Film is now celebrating its 5th anniversary of that recognition, and is taking a wonderful opportunity to look back at what has been achieved so far.
City of Film highlights include organising camps for young filmmakers and animators, hosting the One Minute Film Festival and 48 Hour Challenge, supporting short film funding schemes through Galway Film Centre such as Science on Screen and the GFC/RTÉ Short Film Scheme, local initiatives supporting industry including the Fís TV Summit and the WRAP Fund, as well as screenings, student exchanges, research and collaboration across the now 18 Cities of Film in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.
With the confluence of these two events comes a unique opportunity to present our Galway UNESCO ‘City of Film/Ceantar Scannán’ Award to local film producer Lelia Doolan. An honour that has only been presented to one other recipient, Uachtaráin Michael D Higgins. It is difficult to think of anyone that has contributed more to the local and national film industry than Lelia Doolan and Galway City of Film wish to honor her and her legacy of incredible work by presenting this award to her as part of our celebrations.
Launched in 2014 by Uachtaráin Michael D. Higgins, Galway City of Film has offered valuable supports and resources to the filmmaking community in the city over the last five years that otherwise would not have been possible.
The award presentation was followed by a screening of Cumar – A Galway Rhapsody, a feature film directed by Aodh Ó Coileáin and produced by Paddy Hayes celebrating Galway artists including Rita Ann Higgins, Tommy Tiernan and Noeline Kavanagh.
Rafi is a struggling street photographer in Mumbai. Under mounting pressure from his grandmother to get married, a chance encounter leads him to Milon, a shy stranger he convinces to pose as his fiancée.
Galway Film Society will be screening Photograph this Sunday 20th & Monday 21st at Pálás.
Read more about it in the Galway Advertiser!
Single Mother Eve works long hours as a chambermaid at a luxury hotel in Mexico City, but years to have better opportunities in life.
Galway Film Society will be screening The Chambermaid this Sunday 13th & Monday 14th at Pálás.
Read more about it in the Galway Advertiser!